Thursday, November 24, 2011

I'm thankful for...

It's crazy how fast these months have been flying by... it's really scary. but everytime this time comes around it makes me sit down and really take in everything and realize just how grateful i really am.. so here is some things i'm thankful for:

I'm thankful for my mom & her health to be fine after going through what we went through with the whole cancer/tumor thing and just to be able to have such an amazing mother who does so much for me. she really goes above and beyond for me and my twin.

to have made it this far in my education, graduating from college and enrolling back in school to further my education and just being able to have the opportunities that i have in front of me.

My LDB*/blogger buddy  Bri the bond i share with that girl is amazing and she is always there despite the distance so i love her to death.

So thankful for my lil brother these past couple of weeks been rough on him with being hospitalized and him being all the way in arizona with my step-mom while me and his other two siblings were here but God worked it out and he's better and at home with us!

My Relationship with God.

The handful of friends who i can always count on.

My health.

My Mr :)

                                                         HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

long over due:

Hey yall!,
I haven't updated since i graduated college in may lol thats pretty bad.. But i must say I have been extremely busy with school yet again.. school is kicking my butt! but i guess being a biology major that's expected, the semester is almost over but we still have about a month left i'm just happy thanksgiving break is just about here!!! mines  will begin tuesday after lab and i'm just so ready to relax and enjoy spending time with my family and not worry about studying for a test (which i'm doing right now).. but anyways everything has been going pretty good my way, just living life and keeping myself busy with school & planning some fun things for me and my twins birthday (Dec.4th) i can't believe will be turning 23!! i feel like i just turned 21.. time def. flies by but i'm excited i plan on celebrating that whole wk.end my bday falls on a sunday and of course i have school on monday so i will probably have all my fun on friday and sat. and sunday we will probably just do dinner with some close friends and family or something. well i just wanted to do a quick  update i need to get back to studying & get ready to watch the AMA's with my sissy  pooh. hope everyone is doing well. xoxo.

Friday, May 27, 2011

"raise your glass for the College Grads" - Beyonce

so my fellow bloggers it has been a while since!!! i have been extremely busy with celebrating my Graduation!!!! it feels so good to say I'm a college Graduate! I have worked extremely hard to get to this point it's only the begining of yet another amazing journey but i'm ready =) people that follow me on twitter or are my friend on FB already know i graduated May 18th, 2011 At 7pm it was absolutely amazing i wasn't really excited until it was time for us to walk to our seats that when it hit me and me and my friends just kept saying "wow this is crazy" it was indeed a wonderful night after graduation we went to bar louie for food and drinks my close friends met me there to join and i had a GREAT time and i have seriously been celebrating since from going out to happy hour with friends, going out to clubs and cookouts so i'm def. pooped from all the celebrations. now that school is out and i'm finish with one chapter i'm just going to enjoy this summer as much as i possibly can then it's back to school in September for me i'm keeping it moving thats for sure i have soooooo much i want to accomplish so i can't stop now. i hope everyone is doing well i miss you all :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

we're just friends & i'm slowly accepting that that's all we'll ever be.... I'm just happy that you're happy, even if its not with me.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I feel like i have abandon my blog :(  my mind had just been else where lately.. these months have been flying by something serious i still can't believe it's the middle of april already! where did the time go? everything with me has been pretty good, school is going pretty amazing! being that i only have one class this semester it hasn't been much of a challenge even though it's a math class & anyone who knows me know i hate math! but i'm rolling with the punches & have passed all my test so i guess i'm doing something right.. Graduation is May 18th!!  & my sis graduates May 21 with her masters!!  i'm so proud of her as i call her "my lil teacher", i just can't believe its a month away which sounds so crazy to say, it came too fast! but i'm so ready for it so i can start my journey on to the next degree, i'm just ready to see my life unfold in front of me. i'm in a good place right now in my life & things can only go up from here :-) anywho this wk.end me, my twin & her best friend plan on driving to hersey park for the wk.end since i didn't really do much for my spring break and my twin is currently doing student teaching and next wk. the students have a wk. off so she wants to do something so i guess a lil mini get away will do us all some good. i hope everyone is doing well. i miss you guys. <3

Monday, March 21, 2011

Lil wayne in Buffalo 2011

I always loved lil wayne but i now have a new found respect for him after seeing in live on friday march 28th. <3

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Portland Cello Project Covering Kanye West "All of the Lights"

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Warren G - Regulate ft. Nate Dogg

Saturday, March 12, 2011

"I will wait for you" by Official P4CM Poet JANETTE...IKZ

anyone that know's me would know why this poem means so much to me.. it's literally the story of my life <3

feeling under the weather..

i feel like complete crap... i have a cough that won't go away, sore throat & fever... i don't really have an appetite and i can't really sleep because i'm in too much pain so i pretty much have been up since  8pm yesterday =(  i'm  pretty sure i'm sick from going out tuesday night and not wearing a coat so i can't blame no-one but myself because i know i get sick way too easy.. hopefully i can't get rid of this by monday.. i'm currently counting down the hours until my mom gets home from work so she can take care of me and i can act like a big baby lol. i hope everyone else is doing better than me!

My Awards