Thursday, November 24, 2011

I'm thankful for...

It's crazy how fast these months have been flying by... it's really scary. but everytime this time comes around it makes me sit down and really take in everything and realize just how grateful i really am.. so here is some things i'm thankful for:

I'm thankful for my mom & her health to be fine after going through what we went through with the whole cancer/tumor thing and just to be able to have such an amazing mother who does so much for me. she really goes above and beyond for me and my twin.

to have made it this far in my education, graduating from college and enrolling back in school to further my education and just being able to have the opportunities that i have in front of me.

My LDB*/blogger buddy  Bri the bond i share with that girl is amazing and she is always there despite the distance so i love her to death.

So thankful for my lil brother these past couple of weeks been rough on him with being hospitalized and him being all the way in arizona with my step-mom while me and his other two siblings were here but God worked it out and he's better and at home with us!

My Relationship with God.

The handful of friends who i can always count on.

My health.

My Mr :)

                                                         HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!


My Awards